We would like to apologise.
We have done our very best.
But there has been a huge oversight.
Something we missed.
In the many years of BE
We overlooked it.
We dropped the ball.
We let you down and we let ourselves down.
Time to right the wrong.
"a person or thing of a specified kind, especially one that is formidable, remarkable, or impressive in some way"
Like Barbie and Birkenstocks.
It's timeless. Its forever.
Introducing our Motherfucker bangle.
I'm A Classy And Complicated Motherfucker
The missing sweary piece to the BE puzzle.
We have done our very best.
But there has been a huge oversight.
Something we missed.
In the many years of BE
We overlooked it.
We dropped the ball.
We let you down and we let ourselves down.
Time to right the wrong.
"a person or thing of a specified kind, especially one that is formidable, remarkable, or impressive in some way"
Like Barbie and Birkenstocks.
It's timeless. Its forever.
Introducing our Motherfucker bangle.
I'm A Classy And Complicated Motherfucker
The missing sweary piece to the BE puzzle.